You can get to know BOS VAN DER BURG at any time by consulting on any Tuesday afternoon between 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. You should confirm your presence prior to our consultation by e-mail or by phone. Naturally, we would be glad to schedule an orientation meeting for you at another time. If you would like to schedule such a meeting, please contact us to discuss it free of charge or obligation.
Fixed fee
BOS VAN DER BURG believes in an alternative to billing based on an hourly fee. In these troubling economic times, we understand that you want to be certain about the costs you will incur for legal services. Would you like a fee quote in advance? BOS VAN DER BURG can offer you a fixed fee agreement for both litigation and advisory services. We would be glad to provide you with a price quote free of charge or obligation.
Customised fees
Naturally, if you wish, BOS VAN DER BURG’s attorneys can invoice you based on an hourly fee. The amount of that hourly fee depends partly on the nature of the dispute and our client’s ability to pay. Our lawyers will discuss our fees with you at your first meeting.
Court fees
If, after consulting your lawyer, you decide to initiate court proceedings, you will have to pay court fees. Court fees help defray the expenses of court operations. The amount of the court fees depends on the amount of the claim and the subject of the dispute. Commercial litigants pay higher fees than private individuals. We will always inform you of the amount of the court fees before instituting court proceedings. This will eliminate any unpleasant surprises later.
Private individuals
BOS VAN DER BURG also employs lawyers who can provide you with subsidised legal assistance at reduced rates. In these cases, the government pays a large part of your legal fees, although you will have to contribute part of the amount yourself. Should your case go to court, you will also pay a reduced amount in court fees. The amount you have to pay yourself is set by the government and depends on your income. At your first meeting with your lawyer, BOS VAN DER BURG will check to see whether you are eligible for subsidised legal assistance.