Corporate law

Contract law, general terms and conditions

Establishment or negotiation of purchase agreements, editing general terms and conditions: BOS VAN DER BURG possesses the specific knowledge to conclude the most favorable agreements with clients or suppliers on your behalf.

Mergers and acquisitions

In the event that you wish to transfer or take over assets or liabilities or when you want to purchase or sell the entire share capital: a merger is a complicated legal process. Commercial interests as well as legal and fiscal aspects will have to be taken into account. We will be able to put the legal process, from the negotiations up until the actual transfer, on the right track.

Directors’ and officers’ liability, group liability

The actions of a director or the director/legal entity can sometimes lead to personal liability. We can advise you about whether your actions can lead to personal liability as director and how you can protect yourself from this. We can also advise you whether or not to proceed with your claim against a director.

Supervisory directors’ liability

Corporate litigation

Corporate litigation is de combinatie van het ondernemingsrecht en het procesrecht. Corporate litigation is the combination of corporate law and procedural law. The lawyers of BOS VAN DER BURG have extensive litigation experience and are able to represent your interests in all legal procedures about all possible disputes in terms of corporate law. When it comes to a proceeding, you will be able to count on solid litigation experience.

Enterprise section of the district court

We are also able to represent your interests in special proceedings which have to take place at the Enterprise Division of the Court of Amsterdam, such as inquiry procedures and annual account procedures.

Risk analysis and management

BOS VAN DER BURG advises companies on how to manage and limit legal risks, for example in terms of non-fulfillment of agreements, debtor management, directors’ liability, impending bankruptcy, etc.

Quick scans and reviews

Besides drawing up agreements, we can also review and refine your agreements. We are also able to subject your entire company to a quick scan, which means that, against a favorable rate, your agreements/contracts will be checked on possible legal risks.

Due dilligence

Bij een fusie of overname zal de kopende partij exact willen weten wat hij koopt. Hiervoor moet een uitvoerig en nauwkeurig boekenonderzoek worden verricht. De mogelijke risico’s van een overname zullen hierbij in kaart worden gebracht. De uitkomst van een due dilligence onderzoek kan invloed hebben op de koopprijs of andere voorwaarden voor de overname. BOS VAN DER BURG kan dit due diligence traject voor u begeleiden of geheel uit handen nemen.

Due dilligence investigations

Bedrijven in financieel zwaar weer ontkomen er niet aan het roer om te gooien om te kunnen overleven. Uw bedrijfskrediet wordt opgezegd door de bank of er wordt gedreigd met het aanvragen van uw faillissement. BOS VAN DER BURG kan uw onderneming bijstaan bij herfinancieringsoperaties en onderhandelingen met uw huisbankier.

Corporate governance

In the event of a merger or acquisition, the buyer will want to know exactly what he is buying. An extensive and detailed audit will have to be performed in order to enable this. The possible risks of an acquisition will be identified and mapped. The outcome of a due diligence investigation can impact the purchase price or other conditions for the acquisition. BOS VAN DER BURG is able to supervise or fully coordinate this due diligence process.

Restructurings and corporate recovery

Companies in dire financial straits have no other option than to change their course in order to survive. Your corporate credit is revoked by the bank or creditors are threatening to file for bankruptcy. BOS VAN DER BURG is able to represent your company in refinancing operations and during negotiations with your bank.

Corporate governance

Corporate governance, also known as ‘good corporate management’, is of crucial importance for every company and institution. It is about quality, independence and transparency, supervised by an independent body. The rules for a good corporate governance are focused on, for example, the fees of directors, the position of the shareholders and the performance of the board.

Advice on choice of legal form

You are free to establish the company desired by you. Your choice is not limited to a sole proprietorship or private limited liability company. Our lawyers are able to provide you with legal and fiscal advice about the correct legal form for your new company.

Family-operated companies and their articles of association

A family statute does not only relate to agreements between shareholders, but also captures agreements between all family members working for a family company. In consultation with all family members it needs to be determined how binding the rules are; rules can be treated as guidelines, but it is also possible to make the rules enforceable by imposing sanctions when the rules are not followed. The family stature forms a base for a good cooperation and a solid foundation within the family business.

Attachment and execution law

Within corporate law, possible options to obtain redress on a company can be ‘secured’ even before the start of any proceedings. As claimant party, you will want to know for sure that, after the judge gives his verdict, you will be able to collect your claim on the debtor. Conversely, it is possible that your bank account has been attached unjustly. BOS VAN DER BURG possesses specialist knowledge in terms of the seizure and enforcement law and is able to advise you with respect to starting and cancelling seizure.